When planning a new tile project, it’s exhilarating to select from a wide variety of today’s most popular trends which can make great a difference on how the tile space will look and feel.

The tile pattern chosen by the designer, builder, architect or resident will also have a big impact on the overall look of the room and finished wall or floor. There are a variety of both basic and unique patterns that are sure to fit any type of residential or commercial project. Here are some of our favorites, picked from the most popular patterns choices available today.
Straight Lay Pattern
This is one of the most popular patterns trending in new home construction. It is easy to install and creates a view that is free of distraction and highlights the color of the tile. This tile pattern is laid in a simple side-by-side format to create a grid.
Diagonal Lay Pattern
Mixing it up for the diagonal pattern, this simple pattern is similar in style and ease of the straight lay pattern but is set on a 45-degree angle. In most cases it is as easy as turning the square tile into a diamond shape. This is a great design choice for small spaces like a master bathroom and will make the space feel much bigger than it is.
Brick Lay or Running Board Pattern
The brick lay or running board pattern is similar in style to how brick is laid. This traditional pattern of tile is set so each tile is aligned with the center of the tile above and below it. This pattern is popular for kitchen back splashes and bathroom areas.

Chess Board Pattern
This pattern is popular for the floors and walls alike. The chessboard pattern is usually done with two colors of tile which complement each other. This is also considered a timeless and elegant design style and should not be used in a room or on a wall that has too many other design elements in the same room.
Herringbone Pattern
A popular but more complex design style, the herringbone pattern utilized a column of linear tile set on a 45-degree angle matched in a mirror image by the column next to it to form a “V” shape. This pattern is popular with all areas of the home including hardwood flooring, pavers on the driveway or patio, as well as for backsplashes in the kitchen. Make sure you use a skilled technician for your installation when using this pattern.
Basket Weave Pattern
This style looks hard to create but is actually quite simple to replicate. The illusion is created using a square of horizontally laid tiles next to another square of vertically laid tiles. Because the pattern can look busy, it is recommended for smaller rooms and with a tile that has an even color tone or pattern.

Versailles Pattern
This elegant pattern uses for different complimenting tiles and is one of the more difficult tile patterns to create. The pattern seems random and is pleasing to the eye but requires planning for the best results. Again, be sure to use the best flooring technicians for the installation to insure expert results. This pattern is most popular on floors and featured walls above a fireplace.
Since 1986, Tile it & More has been earning a solid reputation in the flooring industry through total customer satisfaction. Working with the leading manufacturers of flooring and tile, including natural products like stone and granite, our professional team can tackle all size projects for new construction and commercial applications.
Servicing New Jersey and Eastern, PA., we offer competitive prices and quality workmanship and a never-ending selection of carpet, tile, stone, hardwood and resilient flooring.
To see a gallery of our work including more popular patterns, Click Here.